Friday, January 16, 2009

When the blog was sparked

I've been thinking about getting one of these PLBs

With your SAR experience, have you had any experience with these units? I go into the backcountry quite a bit, and would also probably keep it in my car when I'm not hiking just in case (in case I get stranded on one of those Oregon backroads while looking for XMas trees). I also like the idea that it works anywhere in the world. That is the signal will work anywhere in the world, weather or not someone will come get me is another issue! I will probably be going to South Africa again next year, so I could use it there.


Well $750 seems like alot to me. That is a refurb macbook to me! Obviously having a GPS tied in that you can use would be nice, I think for things like this it is more important to have a one use purpose item. Obviously having a GPS tied in that you can use would be nice, I think for things like this it is more important to have a one use purpose item.

Get yourself a good Garmin 60Csx. The interface you know, the software you own. These new chipsets are amazingly robust and fast. I have a navigation GPS for the car with one of the new chipsets, and it activates so fast. But then again, I never turn my Garmin Legend off really. It is always turned on in the car. I don’t trust my speedometer, plus it helps to see where I have been. I cant download tracks from the navigation GPS. Just wish I had the serial to Bluetooth converter so I could connect from in the house. (~$50, just havent done it)

I would vote for this one.

I don’t have them compared side by side, but this one was shown at CES2008, and is smaller it looks, and works it states in 100% of the world, I think it is actually 99%. It would call our embassy in SA (or Naimbia, if you crossed the border....), and they would send out the Calvary to find you.

Be sure to pay the GEOS ‘insurance’ for $8/yr which covers $100k of SAR activities.

For 100/yr you can add some more features such as tracking, and ‘onstar’ type features.

Maybe I need to start blogging this stuff. I got questions about using high wattage fluorescent bulbs in a standard outlet. And most people know that I am a gadget nut. I need a sponser, and hookup with a review mag so I cant get some of these things in the house for review..... Mmmmm

and so the seed was planted

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